In the most recent episode of South Park, the plot revolves around the satirization of transgender athletes. In the episode, a "Randy Savage" looking character comes to a female competition claiming to have just started identifying as a female two weeks prior and ends up winning the competition. The episode has sparked controversy mainly from the transgender community about how the show is being transphobic. One of the most famous or infamous transgender athletes Rachel Mckinnon called the show "lazily written and transphobic". This episode helps bring to light the issue of transgender athletes, males who transitioned to females, in women's sports. To those who claim they just want to keep sports fair, the transgender community claims it was never fair and allowing these transgender females to compete is no different as Micheal Phelps long torso or Yao Ming being 7'6. However, there needs to be some sort of segregation in the sexes for the sport to preserve the competitive integrity of the sport.
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